پنجشنبه, ۲۳ اسفند, ۱۴۰۳ / 13 March, 2025
مجله ویستا

شوخی های مزاحم در email

شوخی های مزاحم در email
یك مشكل بسیار گسترده در اینترنت وجود دارد و آن پیغامهای الكترونیكی كه در مورد یك ویروس هشدار می دهند و این هشدار در مورد یك email با یك عنوان ( subject ) مشخص می باشد كه این email ها ویروس های خطرناك هستند و به كامپیوتر شما آسیب می رسانند.
Please do not open up any mail that has this title.
It will erase your whole hard drive. This is a new
e-mail virus and not a lot of people know about
it, just let everyone know, so they won`t be a victim.
Please forward this e-mail to you friends!!!
Remember the title: JOIN THE CREW.
مثال دیگر:
Please read the following message we received from a client.
If you receive an email titled "It Takes Guts to Say `Jesus`"
DO NOT open it. It will erase everything on your hard drive. So, you must delete it.
Forward this E-MAIL out to as many people as you can. This is a new, very
malicious virus and not many people know about it. This information was
announced yesterday morning from IBM; please share it with everyone
that might access the internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in
your address book so that this may be stopped. AOL has said that this is
a very dangerous virus and that there is NO remedy for it at this time.
Please practice cautionary measures.
اگر شما email ای مانند این دیدید آن را برای كسی نفرستید! ویروسهای "Jion The Crew" و "It Takes Guts to Say `Jesus`" شوخی هستند! ویروسهای شوخی دیگری وجود دارند مانند:
"Win a Hliday" , "AOL۴Free" , "Pen Pal Greetings", "ghost" , "Deeyenda"و بد نام ترین آنها "Good times" است.
منبع : مطالب ارسال شده