چهارشنبه, ۸ اسفند, ۱۴۰۳ / 26 February, 2025
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Exercise for having a better body

Exercise for having a better body

Foods that will melt your belly

Withdrawal junk

Many candy and snacks, including glaycerine and sugar are high. Com in the stomach can not digest and this causes the stomach to bloat your

run (about 2 km)

Doctor, "Diana Taylor" from the University of California, Snfransyskv states, believes that the health sector: "sports heavy pressure and stress on the frequency of your body turn and this causes the muscles and soft for a long time remain weak. but mild and moderate exercise (like yoga and walking) to melt fat quickly and gives you a problem in less time to solve. "

Intake of salt and spices in not overreacting

Too much spices and salts can make your abdomen to bloat. A quarter cup of ketchup three times the amount of sodium your body needs during the day, provides. One tablespoon of soy sauce it would be a good alternative for.

Eat potassium

This natural substance diuretic and carminative effect binding eliminates salt. It can in tomatoes, bananas, salmon, almonds and cherries find.

Eat more H2O

Required amount of drinking water, water that makes your body because of the salt collected easily be removed and your stomach bloating go away.

4 moves to the abdomen that miracle!

The motion carried with four flat and attractive stomach which did you find your dream. The first three exercises all the abdominal muscles are forced to move are on the fourth side effects are. Each of these movements to add to your daily exercise, then you will notice that after awhile your need to buy new clothes much more

Meeting Standard Long

While your knees bent to lie on the ground. Feet flat on the ground and placed. Angshtandst leave behind. Elbows is toward parties. Had the same elbows to your knees and then press the top back, and shoulders to bring back to Earth to eat. While doing the head is flat and moves away from the breast is removed Chin. Now for a few seconds remain in the Manyd and then back to original condition was.

Note: Do not pull your head with your hands! Imagine a rope around your waist pack and move with the push to get back and abdominal muscles do.


Lie down on the floor and hands pass. Bend your knees and feet to the ground so that the calf should be parallel to the ground. Elbow of the opposite knee toward your hands bring. In this case, the legs should also make a 45 degree angle. This move for both sides to do.

Tip for beginners: You can start your feet on the ground hold. When your elbows toward your feet get Zanvytan long time to reach you. Then put it again on the ground once again and move on.

Meeting long vertical

Lie down on the floor, your legs directly raise their hands as well as vertically on the sides to keep the body. Try the tiny fingers tiny toes to make sure. The legs should move as far up as you can to bring hip bone to the ground.

Tip for beginners: instead of simultaneously Dsthav your feet up, you first, upper torso and lower body lift on.

Side is

Toward one flank Lie down, bend your knees and you wont Bazvytan fully put on the ground with the shoulder while the elbow is in a direction. All the weight on your arm and get into the body and torso above the hips gently to the ground, so a straight line from knees to the head is achieved. However you can stay in this state. Start 10 to 20 seconds is enough. Time to move up to a minute may increase. Move to the other side do. The stronger you are, try to stretch the arms and legs, then give then pull both together.

6 misconception is that belly drooping

1 - to tighten the abdominal movements Yayd to do it every day

Reason: abdominal muscles need to have a rest and recovery. During the resting muscles is made. "Katie Kylr" coach and author of "Katie exercises for pishegan Dar Art" states that: "abdominal exercise for three to five days a week makes your muscles tighten and smooth the abdomen can find."

2 - Full abdominal workout takes half an hour

Reason: Kylr believes. "If you take half an hour until you feel your stomach muscles are in mobility, so probably you do the wrong moves. I coach," Jennifer Aniston "and we had three days each week over five minutes on the abdomen did not work." How do the movements again please review and do not focus on the period. Quality always is more important than quantity.

3 - Long sat very still, the muscles are stronger

Reason: so that the normal process of meeting your long Laghz does, doing it slowly melt fat does not help. In fact, slow movements do not benefit at all. Exercises should help you in any situation: what you want into what you want to exercise a boxing cakes baggage to the ground. In both cases you mentioned your work in Oslo mode motion (slow motion) Nmydhyd done.

4 - The best time to do the movements, abdominal exercises are the final

Reason: "Gilbert Willet" researcher, physiotherapist and Nbraksa professor, School of Medical Sciences, said: "No matter what time you do abdominal exercises, just doing the right exercises and stability that should be considered ". So the best time is when you feel you want to do exercises. But if you want to start abdominal exercises movements do, first you must warm your account. When blood is circulating, you can easily update a lot of damage is prevented.

5 - doing the movements Paylyt (Pilates) can not get your belly 6 pieces

Reason: "Kimberly Lyon," a private coach in Los Angeles believes that: "The influence of movement on the belly and if you leave them with a healthy diet do, certainly you desired layers on your belly to get there. the abdomen, upper torso height and your height, they are matters that relate to your genes. "

6 - no weights and machines can not get your belly water

Reason: You do not need any weight to, but for many athletes the ability and power to increase their use of weights. Lyon says: "Many of the machines and weights for women are not designed, if properly placed in the machine Do not, may the pressure parts shall be entered. He advised us there is another one: Stick to the ground which is effective and inexpensive it anywhere can easily find.

More results in less time

"Jordan Liu," fitness trainer in New York City Sports Complex Akynvks secrets are revealed to us:

Moves a little slower to do: Come up with four numbers and four numbers to the first case was opened.

5 to 10 seconds at the most difficult meetings stay long mode.

Gradually their movements do: This makes the belly muscles isolated from other muscles and exercises impact directly on the abdomen is entered.

Get your belly flat

Do you move your stomach helps you to lean more. While the land is located in front of your face, lie down on the abdomen. Weight on the waist and abdomen and try to give hands and feet to the ground. In this situation for a few seconds remain. Then return to original position and once again repeat the move.