یکشنبه, ۱۹ اسفند, ۱۴۰۳ / 9 March, 2025
مجله ویستا

کدهای تخلب نید فور اسپید کربن

At the "Click to continue" screen or main menu, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Entering a code incorrectly will require the game to be restarted
نتیجه کد/ کد تقلب
همه مسیر ها / canyonalltheway
اتومبیل ۲۰۰۵ Aston Martin DB۹ / givemethedb۹
اتومبیل ۲۰۰۶ Dodge Charger SRT۸ / givemethechargersrt۸
اتومبیل Mazda Speed۳ / speed۳foryou
اتومبیل Mazda dealership/ chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk
اتومبیل Corvette Z۰۶ Interceptor in Quick Race mode / chasingmobile
Cross Corvette Z۰۶ in …

At the "Click to continue" screen or main menu, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Entering a code incorrectly will require the game to be restarted

نتیجه کد/ کد تقلب

همه مسیر ها / canyonalltheway

اتومبیل ۲۰۰۵ Aston Martin DB۹ / givemethedb۹

اتومبیل ۲۰۰۶ Dodge Charger SRT۸ / givemethechargersrt۸

اتومبیل Mazda Speed۳ / speed۳foryou

اتومبیل Mazda dealership/ chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk

اتومبیل Corvette Z۰۶ Interceptor in Quick Race mode / chasingmobile

Cross Corvette Z۰۶ in Quick Race mode / guesswhoisback

Dump truck in Quick Race mode/ watchoutthebigtruckishere

Fire truck in Quick Race mode/ bigredfiredrive

Rhino in Quick Race mode / trashtalking

Infinite Crew Charge/ friendlyheadlocksapplied

Infinite nitrous / nosforeverever

Infinite SpeedBreaker/ slowitdownwhenyouwant

Autozone vinyl / inthezoneskin

Castrol Syntec vinyl/ syntecskin

Need For Speed Carbon logo vinyls / lotsoffreelogos

Need For Speed Carbon special logo vinyls / lotsoffreevinyls

Pharrell vinyl / pharrellvinylgogo

$۱۰,۰۰۰بیشتر / ۵grand۵grand

Chrome cars / shinycarsarethebestcars

Cooper Tire logo/ cooperlogofreeforyou

( Cheat Codes (demo version

At the "Press A Key" screen, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function

Result / Cheat Code

Canyon race / canyonalltheway

اتومبیل Aston Martin DB۹/ givemethedb۹

اتومبیل Dodge Charger SRT۸ / givemethechargersrt۸

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